Who: Andreas Pott, James Bond Club Deutschland
When: 3 December 2014
Please introduce yourself
Lawyer, journalist, member of The Arsenal London, member of SC Freiburg Football Club, Barack Obama supporter, movie lover, Paris and London fan, James Bond fan and expert, member of Swiss and French James Bond Clubs, president of the German James Bond Club - that's me folks …

Became a Bond fan in 1977 with “The Spy Who Loved Me”. Began to collect books about Bond in the 80ties. Bought the movies on VHS tape to watch them over and over again. Never got that "warm" with Sean Connery as Bond. Grew up with Roger Moore in the role. Liked Timothy Dalton but was glad when Pierce Brosnan became Bond in the 90ties because I loved him in “Remington Steele” and considered him the perfect Bond then. Began to collect Bond car models at that time and started visiting locations. Not glad with Daniel Craig taking over and his first two movies. But “Skyfall” (2012) was great then (besides I still do not like his face as Bond). Got in touch with the swiss and german Bond fandom and was impressed of the Bond Fan Club activities. Took part in the founding of a new German Club, the “James Bond Club Deutschland e.V.” and was elected president of the club by the other founding members. Now acting in club organization and location tours and events of the club. Special interest in bundling the European fandom in a special council organization.
Have you ever met Bond stars? If you have, who? If you have not, who do you want to meet the most? (Why?)
I met Caroline Munro in 2013. Very nice and kind woman. And still hot. She was my first choice to meet because she was the one I loved most when I saw "The Spy Who Loved Me" first in 1977. I would be glad to meet Pierce Brosnan, Carole Bouquet and Maud Adams in person as well as Samantha Bond because they are my favorite actors in the Bond world.
Your favourite Bond actor? (leading male role)
Pierce Brosnan. The perfect combination of a traveling and fighting gentleman. Nice when things are nice. Rough when things get rough. But always with style and Britishness (besides he is Irish, of course).
Your favourite Bond film? Why?
“On Her Majesty's Secret Service” (1969) because of the story, the locations, the snow-action, the music and Diana Rigg.
Which is the best place where you have traveled so far? Why?
San Francisco – because I dreamt to see the Golden Gate since I was a schoolboy.
Which is the place where you would like to visit but have not yet been? Why?
Hawaii. Because I became a big Magnum p.i. Fan in the 80ties and am still.
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