Follow us also on Facebook and Twitter


13 March 2015 (recording), 15 March 2015 (on air)
007 Travelers on Radio Nova


12 March 2015 (recording), 13 March 2015 (on air)
Nelonen.fi (VIDEO: Finnish blogger couple in the footsteps of James Bond)


16 August 2018:
Fuengirola.fi (Sivu 10 / Page 10)
"James Bondin jalanjäljillä Aurinkorannikolla"
(On the trails of James Bond in Costa del Sol)

20 May 2018:
"Website review: 007travelers.blogspot.fi - they know how to get impressions and share them"

19 February 2018:
The most read local news in Keski-Uusimaa newspaper

18 February 2018
"Järvenpääläispariskunnan blogi ylitti miljoonan käynnin rajapyykin - kihloihinkin Bond-tyylillä"
(Järvenpää based blog reached one million visits - the engagement was also with Bond style)

"Seuraava Bond-elokuva ensi-iltaan marraskuussa 2019 - fanit vielä epätietoisia näyttelijävalinnasta"
(The next Bond movie premieres in November 2019 - fans still uncertain of the casting)

20 September 2017
"En un coche y sin testigos"
(In a car and without witnesses)

15 May 2016

8 March 2016
Diarioromano.it (007 Travelers mentioned)

"Un anno fa 007 ripuliva lo scalo De Pinedo. Oggi di nuovo degrado"
(A year ago 007 cleaned De Pinedo. Today degradation is back)

3 February 2016
Diarioromano.it (007 Travelers mentioned)
"Spectre, un anno dopo"

(Spectre, one year later)

27 January 2016
"Naantalin kylpylä houkuttelee 007-turisteja"
(Naantali Spa attracts 007 tourists)

STT Info
"Naantali Kylpylä Oy: Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood! - Glamouria Kylpylässä 29.1. - 6.2."
(Naantali Spa Ltd: Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood! - Glamour in Spa 29 January - 6 February)

Naantalin matkailu
"Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood 29.1 - 6.2.2016"
(Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood 29 January - 6 February 2016)

"Naantali Kylpylä Oy: Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood! - Glamouria Kylpylässä 29.1. - 6.2."
(Naantali Spa Ltd: Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood! - Glamour in Spa 29 January - 6 February)

"Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood: BOND-PÄIVÄ"
(Naantali Spa Goes Hollywood: BOND DAY)

21 January 2016
Lomalinja.fi / asiantuntijat

8 January 2016
Kaj Stenvall website (007 Travelers mentioned in news section)

21 December 2015
"Un Sardo in giro" blog (007 Travelers mentioned)
"Dove è stato girato a Roma il film 007 Spectre?"
(Where was the film Spectre filmed in Rome?)

5 December 2015
Color-of-cinema (007 Travelers mentioned)

29 November 2015
Point Production

"SPECTRE tähditti Fujitsun tapahtumaa Lasipalatsin Bio Rexissä"
(SPECTRE was a star of Fujitsu's event at Bio Rex Lasipalatsi)

30 October 2015
Forum Das Wochenmagazin (007 Travelers mentioned)
"Rund un die Welt mit 007" (Around the world with 007)

30 September 2015

"James Bondin jäljillä" (In the trail of James Bond)

18 July 2015 (printed version) and 26 July 2015 (internet)
"James Bondin jäljillä" (In the trail of James Bond)

14 June 2015:
"Best websites about James Bond"



1 June 2015:
Visit Helsinki

"Pallosalama 50 vuotta - juhlanäytös" (Thunderball 50 years - anniversary screening)

31 May 2015:
Eye on Bond
"007 Travelers A-listed"

29 May 2015:
Rantapallo.fi / Kohteena maailma
"007 ja Kuuraketti – avaruusmatkakohteita maan päällä / Matkavinkkejä Bond-leffoista"
(Moonraker - the space travel destinations on Earth / Travel tips from Bond movies)

27 May 2015
"Agentin matkassa" (Travel with the Agent)
007 Travelers mentioned 

21 May 2015:
"Bond-fanit, huomio: Tämä leffanäytös on juuri teille" (Attention Bond fans! This movie screening is just for you)

Helsingin Uutiset  
Lappeenrannan Uutiset
Mäntsälän Uutiset
Nurmijärven Uutiset

Seinäjoen Sanomat
Sipoon Sanomat

Vantaan Sanomat
Vihdin Uutiset 

20 May 2015:

"Bond-elokuvasta juhlanäytös" (Anniversary screening of a Bond movie)

19 May 2015:
James Bond Club Finland
"007 Travelers ja KAVI esittää" (007 Travelers and KAVI presents)

15 May 2015
The Food Daily

12 May 2015
Eye on Bond
"THUNDERBALL" 50th anniversary event in Helsinki, Finland

Eye on Bond on Facebook

Eye on Bond on Twitter

11 May 2015

From Sweden with Love 
15 August 2015 50th anniversary screening of Thunderball

From Sweden with Love
15 Augusti 2015 50-årsjubelum visning av Åskbollen i Finland

From Sweden with Love on Facebook 
Our Finnish friends over at 007 Travelers to host 50th anniversary screening of Åskbollen (film) in Helsinki on 15th August

From Sweden with Love on Twitter

Våra finska vänner, @007Travelers, arrangerar 50-årsjubileum filmvisning av ÅSKBOLLEN i Helsingfors den 15 augusti

James Bond-magasinet on Facebook
Thunderball event in Finland, organized by 007 Travelers 

James Bond-magasinet on Twitter 
Thunderball event in Finland, organized by 007 Travelers

7 May 2015
The Travel Daily published 007 Travel video Kotka (FINLAND) by 007 Travelers

6 May 2015
The Bond Bulletin

'THUNDERBALL' 50th anniversary screening in Helsinki, Finland

50 Jahre 'FEUERBALL' Screening in Helsinki, Finland

The Bond Bulletin on Facebook

The Bond Bulletin on Twitter

13 April 2015
Orion program booklet May-August 2015

Thunderball presentation text by 007 Travelers
"Pallosalama 50 vuotta" (Thunderball 50 years)

10 April 2015
James Bond memes recommends 007 Travelers blog
On location: Bilbao in The World Is Not Enough

1 March 2015
007 Travelers track down the Book Bond

17 February 2015
"Suomalaispariskunta matkustaa James Bondin jalanjäljillä"
(Finnish couple traveling on James Bond locations)

9 February 2015
BBC News Oxford: 007 Travelers mentioned
"Blenheim Palace activity sparks Bond film set rumours"

5 February 2015
007 Travelers listed as a media who reported "SPECTRE" news of Rome in blog bastacartelloni.it
"007 Missione Degrado: mentre i giornali di tutta Europa ne parlano, il Campidoglio tace. La rassegna stampa sulla campagna di Bastacartelloni"
(007 Mission Degradation: while the newspapers from all over Europe talk about it, the Capitol is silent. The press release of the Bastacartelloni's campaign)

27 January 2015
Helsingin Sanomat:
"Bond-matkailun huipennus: Hampurilaiseen painettu 007-logo"
(The highlight of Bond traveling: A burger with printed 007 logo)

Helsingin Sanomat:
"Bond-fanit suosittelevat myös näitä"
(Bond fans recommend also these)

24 January 2015
007 Travelers in Helsingin Sanomat (Saturday Appendix) (Printed version)
"James Bondin perässä" (Following James Bond)

22 January 2015
007 Travelers on Archivo 007 website
(Joan Casanova´s introduction)

19 January 2015
Media alert in Finland: 007 Travelers in Helsingin Sanomat, 24 January 2015

8 January 2015
007 Travelers on Bond and Beyond website
(Martin Funke´s introduction)

007 Travelers link (007 Travel story of Mürren) in their English website and in the French website of Hotel Alpenruh, Mürren. In their German language website also our interview of Hotel Manager Urs Brotschi.

14 November 2014

007 Travelers wrote an article for Finnish car magazine Auto Bild Suomi, 22/2014: "Bondin biilit" ("Bond's cars"). 
See more here

4 October 2014
Holiday extra "LOMA" of Ilkka newspaper (Autumn 2014): "Suosikkiagentin jalanjäljissä" ("In the footsteps of favourite agent").

See more here

2 October 2014
Apu 40/2014: "007 ja lupa matkustaa" (007 and licence to travel).
See more here

Photo: Meeri Utti

29 September 2014
ILTA-SANOMAT: "Teemana Bond, James Bond" ("The theme is Bond, James Bond" / "Lähde Bondin perässä maailmalle! Teemamatkojen suosio Suomessa kasvaa." ("Follow Bond on your trips! Popularity of theme traveling is growing in Finland"). (Printed version and internet)

14 September 2014
EPISODI.fi"007 ja lupa fanittaa – näin vietetään James Bond -elämää"
("007 and licence to be a Bond fan - how to live James Bond life").

13 September 2014
KAUPUNKILEHTI ANKKURI, Kotka (page 6 / sivu 6): "Kun WC-harja on aseen muotoinen" ("When toilet brush has a shape of a gun").

Photo: Juha Kärkkäinen

12 September 2014
Ravintola Savotta on Facebook
"Tervetuloa toistekin Karjalanpaistille Bondin tapaan! T. Savotan väki" (Welcome back to have Karelian stew with Bond style! Regards, personnel of Savotta)

11 September 2014
HELSINGIN SANOMAT.fi: "Suomalaispari täyttää elämänsä James Bondilla" ("A Finnish couple fills their life with James Bond")

Photo: Sirpa Räihä

27 May 2014
MATKAOPAS: "James Bond päristelee taas" ("James Bond is driving again")
007 Travelers mentioned

25 April 2014
S-KANAVA: "Luetko blogeja?" ("Do you read blogs?")

8 January 2014
LÄNSIVÄYLÄ: "Bond-matkailua harrastava pariskunta kiertää agentin perässä ympäri maailmaa" ("Bond tourism enthusiast couple follows the agent around the world").

8 January 2014

ILTALOHJA (page 14 / sivu 14): "Bond-matkailu käy työstä - Rähjäinen varasto kruunasi agenttimatkan" ("Bond traveling is like a work - A run-down warehouse was a highlight of an agent journey").

7 January 2014
VANTAAN SANOMAT: "Kaksikko metsästää James Bondin kuvauspaikkoja - ”Martinit juodaan joka matkalla”" ("This couple hunts James Bond filming locations - "We drink Martinis in every journey""). 

6 January 2014
AAMUPOSTI (only in paper version / vain painetussa lehdessä).

5 January 2014
KESKI-UUSIMAA: "Matkailijat James Bondin jalanjäljillä"
("Travelers in the footsteps of James Bond").

Photo: Marianna Simo
Photo: Marianna Simo


30 May 2017
Episodi.fi (Actress known from Thunderball movie died - first Bond girl, who undressed on screen)

7 September 2016
Do You Remember? (Can You Guess Who Infamous Bond Girl Sported This Sexy Bikini?)
007 Travelers as a photo source

3 August 2016
Grange (Drive Another Day Bond Cars Through the Ages)

27 May 2016
Wo was dar.de (Quellen)

25 May 2016
Episodi.fi (Sad news for Bond fans again)

6 May 2016
Wo was dar.de (Pont d'Iena)

21 April 2016
Episodi.fi (Director of James Bond movies died)

11 March 2016
Episodi.fi (Sad news again for fans of the Bond movies)

8 December 2015
Episodi.fi (Just a coincidence? This confusing discovery shows what connects Sibelius and James Bond)

7 December 2015
Episodi.fi (Actor who was famous from James Bond movie passed away)

27 October 2015
Melty.cz (Spectre: Another Bond film with Daniel Craig finally in theaters)

25 September 2015
Episodi.fi (Put a mark on the wall - Bond theme song published)

8 September 2015
Nelonen.fi (He performs new Bond movie theme music)

Uusisuomi.fi (This artist performs new Bond theme song)
Episodi.fi (This artist performs new Bond theme song)

20 April 2015
Episodi.fi (Voice of James Bond villains has fallen silent at the age of 92)

15 April 2015
Episodi.fi (Bond has now license to save)

23 March 2015
Episodi.fi (Bond girl Cheryl Anne has passed away)

27 February 2015
Episodi.fi (Bad luck in Bond filming continues - Daniel Craig's chase scene ended in an accident)

24 February 2015
James Bond Lifestyle.com (SPECTRE filming in Rome)

16 February 2015
Episodi.fi (Again one Bond movie villain is dead)

10 February 2015
James Bond Lifestyle.com (Blenheim Palace, UK)

6 February 2015
Episodi.fi  (Accident in Bond movie's filming - Daniel Craig injured)

7 January 2015
Episodi.fi  (Actor who appreared in James Bond has died)

4 January 2015
The Bond Bulletin.de  (Designing 007 Exhibition will be coming to Madrid, Spain)

4 December 2014
Episodi.fi ("Bond 24" is "SPECTRE")

24 November 2014
   (Blofeld is back!)

14 November 2014
Episodi.fi (Christoph Waltz is a Bond villain in "Bond 24")

13 October 2014
Episodi.fi (Dave Bautista is a Bond henchman "Hinx" in "Bond 24")

10 October 2014
Episodi.fi (Léa Seydoux is a Bond girl in "Bond 24")

7 October 2014
Episodi.fi (Geoffrey Holder has passed away)

17 September 2014
James Bond Nederland.org (Hoyte van Hoytema is a Director of Photography of "Bond 24")


9 June 2018
007 Travelers on The Western Journal webpage
"First Bond Girl Passes Away at Age 90. Helped Calm Sean Connery To Deliver Infamous Line"

11 November 2017
Rules restaurant retweeted 007 Travelers tweet on Twitter (screenshot from Rules restaurant's webpage)

21 September 2016
Suomen kellomuseo (The finnish museum of horology) shared 007 Travelers article on Facebook

4 January 2016
SPECTRE actress Brigitte Millar shared 007 Travelers article on Facebook

6 May 2015
SPECTRE actor Pezhmaan Alinia retweeted 007 Travelers tweet on Twitter

25 April 2015
SPECTRE actor Nigel Barber shared 007 Travelers article on Facebook

13 January 2015
Tweets of 007 Travelers in Storify By Tirolere Tageszeitung Online
(On the trail of 007 in Sölden)

10 January 2015
A tweet of 007 Travelers in shz.de
(SPECTRE filming: James Bond closes ski slopes in the Alps)

9 February 2015
Three tweets of 007 Travelers in Rob Vegas.de
(What Twitter knows about James Bond?)

8 January 2015
A tweet of 007 Travelers in oe24.at
(SPECTRE crew moves to Sölden)

7 January 2015
A tweet of 007 Travelers in Heute.at   
(James Bond gave autographs after the shooting)

7 January 2015
Links to 007 Travelers pages
inside the story of ausztriaimunkak.hu (whole story)

See more here:
sereglők fényképezzék (Fans in Altaussee)
itt láthatóak felvételek (Behind the scenes photos)

5 January 2015
A tweet of 007 Travelers in Kleine Zeitung.at  
(Daniel Craig: "The amount of snow is beautiful!" )

007 Travelers in Sweetest News Suomi
"Sweetest News näyttää päivän mehevimmät uutiset, joista kaikki puhuvat!"
"Sweetest News shows the most juiciest news of the day, which everybody talks!"

17 December 2014
Urlaubsguru.de/Reisemagazin (James Bond comes to Austria)

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