
Monday, 8 June 2015

"SPECTRE" filming continues, Christoph Waltz (Oberhauser) spotted with several dots scattered across his face

What: "SPECTRE" (2015) filming continues
Where: Westminster Bridge Road and River Thames, London, England
When: On week 23/2015 and 6-7 June 2015
Photos: PA and various Instagram and Twitter accounts on week 23/2015.

Film crews installed lighting equipment in buildings along the Thames

Christoph Waltz (Oberhauser) appeared to have several dots
scattered across his face which may be related to special effects



Looking the part of a Bond baddie, the two-time Oscar winner sported several white spots on his face, for what appears to be in preparation for CGI special effects.The white spots are used by digital artists to capture facial movement and expressions to animate digital character models.

Sam Mendes


The "SPECTRE" crew filmed scenes involving a helicopter near Vauxhall Bridge

See more "SPECTRE" news here

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