
Monday, 11 August 2014

007 Travelers Interview: Hotel Alpenruh / Urs Brotschi

007 Travelers visited Hotel Alpenruh Mürren, and met Mr. Urs Brotschi. We asked him about his work in Hotel Alpenruh, about James Bond and traveling.

Who: Urs Brotschi (Hotel Manager)
Where: Hotel Alpenruh, Mürren, Switzerland
When: 16 July 2014
007 Connection: While filming Piz Gloria parts of 007 movie "On Her Majesty´s Secret Service" (1969), starring George Lazenby, the 007 Company EON Productions had their Accounts Office in Hotel Alpenruh. Today, Hotel Alpenruh has James Bond 007 menu and 007 package.

1. How long have you worked in Hotel Alpenruh?
Seven years. I am a Hotel Manager of this hotel and also for its restaurant and the restaurant Taverne in the cable car station, they belong to Schilthorn Cableway Ltd.    

2. How did you become a Hotel Manager, did you buy this hotel or is this your family business?
No. I used to be a baker and cook, service as receptionist as well. The property belongs to Schilthorn Cableway Ltd. They were looking for a new manager in 2007 and I received a job.

3. How about the history of Hotel Alpenruh, it has long traditions?
Yes! Old hotel Alpenruh was built on this place where Schilthorn cablecar station stays and this traditional hotel burned down in 1912, just before the first World War. This house was the staff house of the old hotel Alpenruh and after burning down of the hotel this was used as a hotel during the first World War. Schilthornbahn bought and constructed the station in early sixties. Since then they also own Hotel Alpenruh. It was made bigger 1984-1985.

4. Whose idea was the James Bond 007 dinner?
That was my idea and our chef Oliver Jensen created it. The idea became because of the Bond World 007. Schilthornbahn invested a lot of money and I said "Let´s try some combinations!". Bond fans come and stay over night and try this. It is very popular. It is an interesting theme. George Lazenby was here in Mürren last year (2013) for the opening of Bond World 007.

We have a New Year´s Eve with James Bond theme, special decorations and special 6-course menu instead of 4-course menu, a Blackjack table fot the guests, and drinks like Martini. It was very popular, we hade it for the first time last year (2013) and will have it again this year (2014). The Blackjack table winner got himself a silver 007 watch and was very proud of it.    

5. Who is your favourite James Bond actor? (leading male role)
I like Daniel Craig. He is quite good.    

6. The best Bond movie?
It is hard to is "On Her Majesty´s Secret Service" (1969). People come here to see the locations and the Alps. They want to see the places again after the movie. They ski here and take pictures.   

7. Which is the best place where you have traveled so far?
Hong Kong, for example. And in Europe, it is Brussels.
8. Which is the place where you would like to visit but have not yet been?
Caribbean! We are scuba divers, my wife and I, and we have been in Egypt several times and now we would like to go to Caribbean.

See our introduction of Hotel Alpenruh here

See our video of Hotel Alpenruh:

See more 007 Travelers interviews here

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